ETF Dictionary
ETF Term: What is AP? Role of Authorized Participant
What is AP? Term of AP in the stock market? briefly explain the definition and activities of Authorized Participants of Exchange-Traded Funds

1. What Is an AP?
- The term AP stands for Authorized Participant
- An authorized Participant is a financial company( full services brokerage and depository banks) that enters into a legal contract with an ETF’s Fund manager to create and redeem shares of the ETF.
- APs play a key role in the primary market for ETF activities that support investors to trading directly with the funds
2. Role of Authorized Participant (AP)?
- On the primary market, AP acts as a dealer to create and redeem ETFs.
- Get and submit the orders from investors to Funds managers
- AP is allowed to swap a portfolio of stocks and receive ETFs in return.
- Offering brokerage services to investors in exchange-traded transactions.
- Fulfil reporting and information disclosure obligations as authorized by fund management companies.
(Source: Vietnam Law Library 2023 ).
3. Vietnam ETF’s Authorized Participant and Market Market.
- KIS Vietnam is one of the top Authorized participants for 9 out of 13 ETFs in the Vietnam market.
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