ETF Dictionary

Settlement day

Explanation of Settlement Day

Settlement day KIS vietnam 2024

What is Settlement Day?

1. What is Settlement Day?

  • According to VSD, The day when buyers or sellers receive securities or cash in the clearing and settlement process for securities or ETFs traded on stock exchanges
  • . It marks the finalization of a financial transaction, typically occurring about 2 business days after the trade date, ensuring the receipt of the buyer’s payment, and facilitating the seller’s delivery. 
  • In Vietnam, The common period is about 2 business days after the trade date. For instance, if you buy or sell a stock on Monday (the trade date), the process will occur on Wednesday afternoon (T+2).
  • For government bonds, the period could be T+1 and the future trading will be T+0. 

2. What Do T+1, T+2, and T+3 mean in securities trading? 

  • In securities trading, ‘T’ is the “Transaction” date, the terms T+0, T+1, and T+2 denote specific days in the trading and settlement process. Here’s an explanation of each:


Trade Date


  T+0 Refers to the day when the securities transaction is executed.
  T+1 Refers to 1 day after the securities transaction occurs.
  T+2  The day when ETFs and securities are transferred to the buyer’s account, ensuring timely receipt of securities and payment for the buyer and seller, respectively.
  • In Vietnam, both stocks and ETFs follow a T+2 settlement process, allowing for afternoon trading and enhancing efficiency in trading and portfolio management. If T+1, T+2, or T+3 fall on a non-business day, customers must wait for 1, 2, or 3 consecutive business days for settlement.
  • These terms are essential for understanding the timeline of a securities transaction, detailing steps like confirmation, actual transfer, and formal settlement.

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